the ‘fayre’

Today was free of the normal activities and instead was the Country Fayre – where every contingent held a stall with food, games and activities from their countries and culture. There was all sorts of offer – 8th Holborn had lots of London posters and leaflets, monopoly and croquet to play, and fruiktcake, tea and coffee.
From other stalls was everything from..
Maple candy, Native American art and pancakes from Canada
Japanese Posters
Writing your name in Cantonese from Hong Kong
Lassooing and branding from the USA
and all sorts of bizarre looking foods from all over the place.
There was also a big stage where each contingent gave a performance – for England, Nelly, Helen and Ruari sang ‘Consider Yourself’ from Oliver Twist.
Tonght is the international campfire, where everyone on sitre is getting together for a great big campfire. Should be lots of fun!


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