Summer Camp: River Severn

The second week of the summer holiday, we went to the River Severn. For those scouts that had already been to Scotland (where they had been practically pampered senseless), this was finally the proper summer camp. We slept in tents, got wet, cooked decent food until it was only a black stain on the frying pan and made loads of ‘useful’ camp gadgets. We also went to the safari park and saw a lot of giraffe bottoms and really cute white wallabies, who bounded around like the smaller scouts do when they have had too many fizzy drinks. Some of the older more ‘responsible’ scouts had the opportunity to go down rapids on the River Severn in canoes while the ones that were left behind got to go to a theme park and run around screaming for two and a bit hours, and then went on the rides. By the end of the week we were all tired out and all our kit was soaking wet. We went home with slightly tanned faces, silly smiles and lots of stories about the ‘Callum bird’ and the ‘Mattie crab’. As always, summer camp was an ‘experience’ and probably one of the funniest weeks of the year!

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