Day 7: The home straight

It’s been a hectic weekend with several thousand visitors on site for the international fayre and a Scout’s Own on the lawn of the Castle (not to be confused with the Kastle, the entertainment marquee). Molly, Ruairi and Calum have all survived the ‘Extreme Survival’ activity run by Marlon, and Blake and Mitchell headed for the hills on the Explorer Trek. Tonight, Nelly is also away skinning rabbits and sleeping in her own shelter.
That White Cockade badge is getting closer..

One response to “Day 7: The home straight”

  1. Oh, Nelly, you and your poor rabbits! Gert will kill you if you bring any more back to stick in your room! Sounds like you’re having an awesome time. Got the postcard today! Love it, the cat would probably sound better than bagpipes anyway XD

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